Driving in winter? Be prepared and stay safe...

Prepare your car—and yourself—for winter driving conditions Be prepared for driving in inclement and freezing weather. Start with these suggestions. Understand how your car behaves in the snow. While features like anti-lock brakes and all-weather tires can be advantageous, every car performs differently. If possible, practice stopping, starting and turning in a big, empty, snowy parking lot to get the feel of your wheels in the snow. Make sure your battery is charged and working optimally. Cold weather adversely affects battery performance, so check it before the temperature drops. Be sure to keep your gas tank full. Stormy weather or...
From the Front Lines: Professional Liability
commercial insurance Liability

Biggest professional liability changes?
In my experience, the biggest change has been the reaction to cybercrime and how it fits (or does not fit) into this line of coverage. Carriers have had to decide how to adapt and react to the constantly evolving cyber exposures.
How Medicare Works

If you have Medicare and other health insurance or coverage, each type of coverage is called a "payer." When there's more than one payer, "coordination of benefits" rules decide which one pays first. The "primary payer" pays what it owes on your bills first, and then sends the rest to the "secondary payer" to pay. In some cases, there may also be a third payer. What it means to pay primary/secondary The insurance that pays first (primary payer) pays up to the limits of its coverage. The one that pays second (secondary payer) only pays if there are costs the primary insurer...